Search Results: "skx"

9 February 2017

Steve Kemp: Old packages are interesting.

Recently Vincent Bernat wrote about writing his own simple terminal, using vte. That was a fun read, as the sample code built really easily and was functional. At the end of his post he said :
evilvte is quite customizable and can be lightweight. Consider it as a first alternative. Honestly, I don t remember why I didn t pick it.
That set me off looking at evilvte, and it was one of those rare projects which seems to be pretty stable, and also hasn't changed in any recent release of Debian GNU/Linux: I wonder if it would be possible to easily generate a list of packages which have the same revision in multiple distributions? Anyway I had a look at the source, and unfortunately spotted that it didn't entirely handle clicking on hyperlinks terribly well. Clicking on a link would pretty much run:
 firefox '%s'
That meant there was an obvious security problem. It is a great terminal though, and it just goes to show how short, simple, and readable such things can be. I enjoyed looking at the source, and furthermore enjoyed using it. Unfortunately due to a dependency issue it looks like this package will be removed from stretch.

8 February 2017

Steve Kemp: Old packages are interesting.

Recently Vincent Bernat wrote about writing his own simple terminal, using vte. That was a fun read, as the sample code built really easily and was functional. At the end of his post he said :
evilvte is quite customizable and can be lightweight. Consider it as a first alternative. Honestly, I don t remember why I didn t pick it.
That set me off looking at evilvte, and it was one of those rare projects which seems to be pretty stable, and also hasn't changed in any recent release of Debian GNU/Linux: I wonder if it would be possible to easily generate a list of packages which have the same revision in multiple distributions? Anyway I had a look at the source, and unfortunately spotted that it didn't entirely handle clicking on hyperlinks terribly well. Clicking on a link would pretty much run:
 firefox '%s'
That meant there was an obvious security problem. It is a great terminal though, and it just goes to show how short, simple, and readable such things can be. I enjoyed looking at the source, and furthermore enjoyed using it. Unfortunately due to a dependency issue it looks like this package will be removed from stretch.

2 February 2017

Steve Kemp: I've built a product, not a project

The past few days I've been doing more arduino-work. In between dying of sleep-exhaustion. One thing that always annoyed me was that I had to hard-code my WiFi credentials in my projects, with code like this:
// Connect to the SCOTLAND network
WiFi.begin("SCOTLAND", "highlander1");
// Attempt to connect - TODO: Timeout on failure
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
// Now we're connected show the local IP address.
lcd.print("WiFi connected  ");
Whilst looking at another project I found a great solution though. There is a library called WiFiManager which behaves perfectly: The code for this is beautifully simple:
// Connect to WiFI with saved credentials, if any.
// Otherwise work as an access-point, named TRAM-TIMES, and
// let the user fill out their details.
WiFiManager wifiManager;
This means my current project, which continues to revolve around tram-times, is so very much more user-friendly. It is a product you could package and take to a friends house, not a project you have to recompile to tweak. For that reason, user-niceness, I reworked the on-board HTTP status-page to use bootstrap, be themed, and look nicer. Other than being housed in a horrid case the project actually looks like a product. Not one I'd buy, but neither one I'm ashamed of sharing.

28 January 2017

Steve Kemp: So I've been playing with hardware

At the end of December I decided I was going to do hardware "things", and so far that has worked out pretty well. One of the reasons I decided to play with Arduinos is that I assumed I could avoid all forms of soldering. I've done soldering often enough to know I can manage it, but not quite often enough that I feel comfortable doing so. Unfortunately soldering has become a part of my life once again, as too many of the things I've been playing with have required pins soldering to them before I can connect them. Soldering aside I've been having fun, and I have deployed several "real" projects in and around my flat. Perhaps the most interesting project shows the arrival time of the next tram to arrive at the end of my street: That's simple, reliable, and useful. I have another project which needs to be documented which combineds a WeMos D1 and a vibration sensor - no sniggers - to generate an alert when the washing machine is done. Having a newborn baby around the place means that we have a lot of laundry to manage, and we keep forgetting that we've turned the washing machine on. Oops. Anyway. Hardware. More fun than I expected. I've even started ordering more components for bigger projects. I'll continue to document the various projects online, mostly to make sure I remember the basics:

8 January 2017

Steve Kemp: Patching scp and other updates.

I use openssh every day, be it the ssh command for connecting to remote hosts, or the scp command for uploading/downloading files. Once a day, or more, I forget that scp uses the non-obvious -P flag for specifying the port, not the -p flag that ssh uses. Enough is enough. I shall not file a bug report against the Debian openssh-client page, because no doubt compatibility with both upstream, and other distributions, is important. But damnit I've had enough. apt-get source openssh-client shows the appropriate code:
    fflag = tflag = 0;
    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dfl:prtvBCc:i:P:q12346S:o:F:")) != -1)
          switch (ch)  
            case 'P':
                    addargs(&remote_remote_args, "-p");
                    addargs(&remote_remote_args, "%s", optarg);
                    addargs(&args, "-p");
                    addargs(&args, "%s", optarg);
            case 'p':
                    pflag = 1;
Swapping those two flags around, and updating the format string appropriately, was sufficient to do the necessary. In other news I've done some hardware development, using both Arduino boards and the WeMos D1-mini. I'm still at the stage where I'm flashing lights, and doing similarly trivial things: I have more complex projects planned for the future, but these are on-hold until the appropriate parts are delivered: Even with a few LEDs though I've had fun, for example writing a trivial binary display.

31 December 2016

Steve Kemp: So I'm gonna start doing arduino-things

Since I've got a few weeks off I've decided I need to find a project, or two, to occupy me. Happily the baby is settling in well, mostly he sleeps for 4-5 hours, then eats, before the cycle repeats. It could have been so much worse. My plan is to start exploring Arduino-related projects. It has been years since I touched hardware, with the exception of building a new PC for myself every 12-48 months. There are a few "starter kits" you can buy, consisting of a board, and some discrete components such as a bunch of buttons, an LCD-output screen, some sensors (pressure, water, tilt), etc. There are also some nifty little pre-cooked components you can buy such as: The appeal of the former is that I can get the hang of marrying hardware with software, and the appeal of the latter is that the whole thing is pre-built, so I don't need to worry about anything complex. Looking over similar builds people have made, the process is more akin to building with Lego than real hardware-assembling. So, for the next few weeks my plan is to : The end result should be that I will be able to listen to music in my living room. Albeit in a constrained fashion (if I want to change the music I'll have to swap out the files on the SD-card). But it's something that's vaguely useful, and something that I think is within my capability, even as a beginner. I'm actually not sure what else I could usefully do, but I figured I could probably wire up a vibration sensor to another wireless board. The device can sit on the top of my washing machine: There's probably more to it than that, but I expect that a simple vibration sensor will be sufficient to allow me to get an alert of some kind when the washing machine is ready to be emptied - and I don't need to poke inside the guts of the washing machine, nor hang reed-switches off the door, etc. Anyway the only downside to my plan is that no doubt shipping the toys from AliExpress will take 2-4 weeks. Oops.

26 December 2016

Steve Kemp: I finally made something worthwhile.

So for once I made something useful.
Oiva Adam Kemp. Happy Christmas, if you believe in that kind of thing.

15 December 2016

Steve Kemp: A simple Perl alternative to storing data in Redis

I continue to be a big user of Perl, and for many of my sites I avoid the use of MySQL which means that I largely store data in flat files, SQLite databases, or in memory via Redis. One of my servers was recently struggling with RAM, and the suprising cause was "too much data" in Redis. (Surprising because I'd not been paying attention and seen how popular it was, and also because ASCII text compresses pretty well). Read/Write speed isn't a real concern, so I figured I'd move the data into an SQLite database, but that would require rewriting the application. The client library for Perl is pretty awesome, and simple usage looks like this:
# Connect to localhost.
my $r = Redis->new()
# simple storage
$r->set( "key", "value" );
# Work with sets
$r->sadd( "fruits", "orange" );
$r->sadd( "fruits", "apple" );
$r->sadd( "fruits", "blueberry" );
$r->sadd( "fruits", "banannanananananarama" );
# Show the set-count
print "There are " . $r->scard( "fruits" ) . " known fruits";
# Pick a random one
print "Here is a random one " . $r->srandmember( "fruits" ) . "\n";
I figured, if I ignored the Lua support and the other more complex operations, creating a compatible API implementation wouldn't be too hard. So rather than porting my application to using SQLite directly I could juse use a different client-library. In short I change this:
use Redis;
my $r = Redis->new();
To this:
use Redis::SQLite;
my $r = Redis::SQLite->new();
And everything continues to work. I've implemented all the set-related functions except one, and a random smattering of the other simple operations. The appropriate test-cases in the Redis client library (i.e. removing all references to things I didn't implement) pass, and my own new tests also make me confident. It's obviously not a hard job, but it was a quick solution to a real problem and might be useful to others. My image hosting site, and my markdown sharing site now both use this wrapper and seem to be performing well - but with more free RAM. No doubt I'll add more of the simple primitives as time goes on, but so far I've done enough to be useful.

21 November 2016

Steve Kemp: Detecting fraudulent signups?

I run a couple of different sites that allow users to sign-up and use various services. In each of these sites I have some minimal rules in place to detect bad signups, but these are a little ad hoc, because the nature of "badness" varies on a per-site basis. I've worked in a couple of places where there are in-house tests of bad signups, and these usually boil down to some naive, and overly-broad, rules: Some places penalise users based upon location too: At the moment I've got a simple HTTP-server which receives a JSON post of a new users' details, and returns "200 OK" or "403 Forbidden" based on some very very simple critereon. This is modeled on the spam detection service for blog-comments server I use - something that is itself becoming less useful over time. (Perhaps time to kill that? A decision for another day.) Unfortunately this whole approach is very reactive, as it takes human eyeballs to detect new classes of problems. Code can't guess in advance that it should block usernames which could collide with official ones, for example allowing a username of "admin", "help", or "support". I'm certain that these systems have been written a thousand times, as I've seen at least five such systems, and they're all very similar. The biggest flaw in all these systems is that they try to classify users in advance of them doing anything. We're trying to say "Block users who will use stolen credit cards", or "Block users who'll submit spam", by correlating that behaviour with other things. In an ideal world you'd judge users only by the actions they take, not how they signed up. And yet .. it is better than nothing. For the moment I'm continuing to try to make the best of things, at least by centralising the rules for myself I cut down on duplicate code. I'll pretend I'm being cool, modern, and sexy, and call this a micro-service! (Ignore the lack of containers for the moment!)

12 September 2016

Steve Kemp: If your code accepts URIs as input..

There are many online sites that accept reading input from remote locations. For example a site might try to extract all the text from a webpage, or show you the HTTP-headers a given server sends back in response to a request. If you run such a site you must make sure you validate the schema you're given - also remembering to do that if you're sent any HTTP-redirects.
Really the issue here is a confusion between URL & URI.
The only time I ever communicated with Aaron Swartz was unfortunately after his death, because I didn't make the connection. I randomly stumbled upon the html2text software he put together, which had an online demo containing a form for entering a location. I tried the obvious input:
The software was vulnerable, read the file, and showed it to me. The site gives errors on all inputs now, so it cannot be used to demonstrate the problem, but on Friday I saw another site on Hacker News with the very same input-issue, and it reminded me that there's a very real class of security problems here. The site in question was and allows you to enter a URL to convert to markdown - I found this via the hacker news submission. The following link shows the contents of /etc/hosts, and demonstrates the problem: The output looked like this:
.. localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost stage files brettt..
In the actual output of '/etc/passwd' all newlines had been stripped. (Which I now recognize as being an artifact of the markdown processing.) UPDATE: The problem is fixed now.

5 August 2016

Steve Kemp: Using the compiler to help you debug segfaults

Recently somebody reported that my console-based mail-client was segfaulting when opening an IMAP folder, and then when they tried with a local Maildir-hierarchy the same fault was observed. I couldn't reproduce the problem at all, as neither my development host (read "my personal desktop"), nor my mail-host had been crashing at all, both being in use to read my email for several months. Debugging crashes with no backtrace, or real hint of where to start, is a challenge. Even when downloading the same Maildir samples I couldn't see a problem. It was only when I decided to see if I could add some more diagnostics to my code that I came across a solution. My intention was to make it easier to receive a backtrace, by adding more compiler options:
  -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer
I added those options and my mail-client immediately started to segfault on my own machine(s), almost as soon as it started. Ultimately I found three pieces of code where I was allocating C++ objects and passing them to the Lua stack, a pretty fundamental part of the code, which were buggy. Once I'd tracked down the areas of code that were broken and fixed them the user was happy, and I was happy too. Its interesting that I've been running for over a year with these bogus things in place, which "just happened" to not crash for me or anybody else. In the future I'll be adding these options to more of my C-based projects, as there seems to be virtually no downside. In related news my console editor has now achieved almost everything I want it to, having gained: The only outstanding feature, which is a biggy, is support for Undo which I need to add. Happily no segfaults here, so far..

23 July 2016

Steve Kemp: A final post about the lua-editor.

I recently mentioned that I'd forked Antirez's editor and added lua to it. I've been working on it, on and off, for the past week or two now. It's finally reached a point where I'm content: Most of the obvious things I use in Emacs are present, such as the ability to customize the status-bar (right now it shows the cursor position, the number of characters, the number of words, etc, etc). Anyway I'll stop talking about it now :)

14 July 2016

Steve Kemp: Adding lua to all the things!

Recently Antirez made a post documenting a simple editor in 1k of pure C, the post was interesting in itself, and the editor is a cute toy because it doesn't use curses - instead using escape sequences. The github project became very popular and much interesting discussion took place on hacker news. My interest was piqued because I've obviously spent a few months working on my own console based program, and so I had to read the code, see what I could learn, and generally have some fun. As expected Salvatore's code is refreshingly simple, neat in some areas, terse in others, but always a pleasure to read. Also, as expected, a number of forks appeared adding various features. I figured I could do the same, so I did the obvious thing in adding Lua scripting support to the project. In my fork the core of the editor is mostly left alone, instead code was moved out of it into an external lua script. The highlight of my lua code is this magic:
  -- Keymap of bound keys
  local keymap =  
  --  Default bindings
  keymap['^A']        = sol
  keymap['^D']        = function() insert( ) end
  keymap['^E']        = eol
  keymap['^H']        = delete
  keymap['^L']        = eval
  keymap['^M']        = function() insert("\n") end
I wrote a function invoked on every key-press, and use that to lookup key-bindings. By adding a bunch of primitives to export/manipulate the core of the editor from Lua I simplified the editor's core logic, and allowed interesting facilities: All in all I had fun, and I continue to think a Lua-scripted editor would be a neat project - I'm just not sure there's a "market" for another editor. View my fork here, and see the sample kilo.lua config file.

10 July 2016

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2016)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

8 July 2016

Steve Kemp: I've been moving and updating websites.

I've spent the past days updating several of my websites to be "responsive". Mostly that means I open the site in firefox then press Ctrl-alt-m to switch to mobile-view. Once I have the mobile-view I then fix the site to look good in small small space. Because my general design skills are poor I've been fixing most sites by moving to bootstrap, and ensuring that I don't use headers/footers that are fixed-position. Beyond the fixes to appearances I've also started rationalizing the domains, migrating content across to new homes. I've got a provisional theme setup at, and I've moved my blog over there too. The plan for blog-migration went well: The plan was originally to setup a HTTP-redirect, but I realized that this would mean I'd need to keep the redirect in-place forever, as visitors would have no incentive to fix their links, or update their feeds. By adding the fake-RSS-feed, pointing to the new location, I am able to assume that eventually people will update, and I can drop the dns record for entirely - Already google seems to have updated its spidering and searching shows the new domain already.

30 June 2016

Steve Kemp: So I've been busy.

The past few days I've been working on my mail client which has resulted in a lot of improvements to drawing, display and correctness. Since then I've been working on adding GPG-support. My naive attempt was to extract the signature, and the appropriate body-part from the message. Write them both to disk then I could validate via:
gpg --verify msg.sig msg
However that failed, and it took me a long to work out why. I downloaded the source to mutt, which can correctly verify an attached-signature, then hacked lib.c to neuter the mutt_unlink function. That left me with a bunch of files inside $TEMPFILE one of which provided the epiphany. A message which is to be validated is indeed written out to disk, just as I would have done, as is the signature. Ignoring the signature the message is interesting:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:08:14 +0200
Bob Smith
The reason I'd failed to validate my message-body was because I'd already decoded the text of the MIME-part, and I'd also lost the prefixed two lines "Content-type:.." and Content-Transfer:.... I'm currently trying to work out if it is possible to get access to the RAW MIME-part-text in GMIME. Anyway that learning aside I've made a sleazy hack which just shells out to mimegpg, and this allows me to validate GPG signatures! That's not the solution I'd prefer, but that said it does work, and it works with inline-signed messages as well as messages with application/pgp-signature MIME-parts. Changing the subject now. I wonder how many people read to the end anyway? I've been in Finland for almost a year now. Recently I was looking over websites and I saw that the domain was going to expire in a few weeks. So I started obsessively watching it. Today I claimed it. So I'll be slowly moving things from beneath to use the new home I also setup a mini-portfolio/reference site at - which was a domain I registered while I was unsure if I could get Finally now is a good time to share more interesting news:

Steve Kemp: So I've been busy.

The past few days I've been working on my mail client which has resulted in a lot of improvements to drawing, display and correctness. Since then I've been working on adding GPG-support. My naive attempt was to extract the signature, and the appropriate body-part from the message. Write them both to disk then I could validate via:
gpg --verify msg.sig msg
However that failed, and it took me a long to work out why. I downloaded the source to mutt, which can correctly verify an attached-signature, then hacked lib.c to neuter the mutt_unlink function. That left me with a bunch of files inside $TEMPFILE one of which provided the epiphany. A message which is to be validated is indeed written out to disk, just as I would have done, as is the signature. Ignoring the signature the message is interesting:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:08:14 +0200
Bob Smith
The reason I'd failed to validate my message-body was because I'd already decoded the text of the MIME-part, and I'd also lost the prefixed two lines "Content-type:.." and Content-Transfer:.... I'm currently trying to work out if it is possible to get access to the RAW MIME-part-text in GMIME. Anyway that learning aside I've made a sleazy hack which just shells out to mimegpg, and this allows me to validate GPG signatures! That's not the solution I'd prefer, but that said it does work, and it works with inline-signed messages as well as messages with application/pgp-signature MIME-parts. Changing the subject now. I wonder how many people read to the end anyway? I've been in Finland for almost a year now. Recently I was looking over websites and I saw that the domain was going to expire in a few weeks. So I started obsessively watching it. Today I claimed it. So I'll be slowly moving things from beneath to use the new home I also setup a mini-portfolio/reference site at - which was a domain I registered while I was unsure if I could get Finally now is a good time to share more interesting news:

Steve Kemp: So I've been busy.

The past few days I've been working on my mail client which has resulted in a lot of improvements to drawing, display and correctness. Since then I've been working on adding GPG-support. My naive attempt was to extract the signature, and the appropriate body-part from the message. Write them both to disk then I could validate via:
gpg --verify msg.sig msg
However that failed, and it took me a long to work out why. I downloaded the source to mutt, which can correctly verify an attached-signature, then hacked lib.c to neuter the mutt_unlink function. That left me with a bunch of files inside $TEMPFILE one of which provided the epiphany. A message which is to be validated is indeed written out to disk, just as I would have done, as is the signature. Ignoring the signature the message is interesting:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:08:14 +0200
Bob Smith
The reason I'd failed to validate my message-body was because I'd already decoded the text of the MIME-part, and I'd also lost the prefixed two lines "Content-type:.." and Content-Transfer:.... I'm currently trying to work out if it is possible to get access to the RAW MIME-part-text in GMIME. Anyway that learning aside I've made a sleazy hack which just shells out to mimegpg, and this allows me to validate GPG signatures! That's not the solution I'd prefer, but that said it does work, and it works with inline-signed messages as well as messages with application/pgp-signature MIME-parts. Changing the subject now. I wonder how many people read to the end anyway? I've been in Finland for almost a year now. Recently I was looking over websites and I saw that the domain was going to expire in a few weeks. So I started obsessively watching it. Today I claimed it. So I'll be slowly moving things from beneath to use the new home I also setup a mini-portfolio/reference site at - which was a domain I registered while I was unsure if I could get Finally now is a good time to share more interesting news:

15 June 2016

Steve Kemp: So I should document the purple server a little more

I should probably document the purple server I hacked together in Perl and mentioned in my last post. In short it allows you to centralise notifications. Send "alerts" to it, and when they are triggered they will be routed from that central location. There is only a primitive notifier included, which sends data to the console, but there are sample stubs for sending by email/pushover, and escalation. In brief you create alerts by sending a JSON object via HTTP-POST. These objects contain a bunch of fields, but the two most important are: When an update is received any existing alert has its values updated, which makes heartbeat alerts trivial. Send a message with: "id": "heartbeat", "raise": "+5m", .. The existing alert will be updated each time such a new event is submitted, which means that the time at which that alert will raise will be pushed back by five minutes. If you send this every 60 seconds then you'll get informed of an outage five minutes after your server explodes (because the "+5m" will have been turned into an absolute time, and that time will eventually become in the past - triggering a notification). Alerts are keyed on the source IP which sent the submission and the id field, meaning you can send the same update from multiple hosts without causing any problems. Notifications can be viewed in a reasonably pretty Web UI, so you can clear raised-alerts, see the pending ones, and suppress further notifications on something that has been raised. (By default notifications are issued every sixty seconds, until the alert is cleared. There is support for only raising an alert once, which is useful for services you might deliver events via, such as pushover which will repeat themselves.) Anyway this is a fun project, which is a significantly simplified and less scalable version of a project which is open-sourced already and used at Bytemark.

30 May 2016

Steve Kemp: A mixed weekend

This past seven days have been a little mixed: Finally I spent the tail end of the weekend being a little red, sore, and itchy. . I figured this was a surprising outbreak of Dyshidrosis on my hands, and eczema on my body. Instead I received a diagnosis of Scarlet Fever. So now I feel somewhat Dickensian! Apparently this infection is on the rise!

